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 Jackson Audubon Society

 The Audubon Society of Jackson County, Michigan

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Tuesday Tour of Nan Weston Preserve

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 4:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

Joann Ballbach did her usual wonderful job of leading six JAS members through Nan Weston Preserve this morning.  It was cooler than previous trips and the flowers were not in great abundance but it did not rain.

Most of the usual spring ephemerals were seen although many of them were still a bit shy about showing off their full flowers.  

In addition to the samples below, we also saw lots of very small Trilliums with small flowers just starting to show, two Squirrel's Corn,  and a few Blood Root. On our way back we also got a look at a single Violet.

Nan Weston is a jewel of a property managed by the Nature Conservatory.  It now has a connection near the River Raisin to the Sharon Mills Park managed by the Washtenaw County Park system.

May Apple

Marsh Marigold

Dwarf Ginseng


Skunk Cabbage

Blue Cohosh

Cut Leave Toothwort


Dutchman's Britches

Spring Beauties

Round Lobed Hepatica

Rue Anemone

All Photos Steve Jerant (hand model in Rue Anemone: Gary Siegrist).

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