After a 2 year hiatus due to Covid-19, we had a trip back to Magee Marsh on Tuesday. Six JAS members walked the boardwalk from east to west. Some continued on to quick visits to the Crane Creek Estuary Trail at Magee and then to Metzger Marsh and Howard Marsh in search of the yellow-headed Blackbird.
The marsh boardwalk had a pretty good showing of warblers. We got 20 warblers and 5 vireos on our trip. Brenda posted a shared list of the whole trip on eBird. In addition the 74 birds on that list, others in the group counted trip birds for all day which added another 11 species, for an informal count of 85 species.
There were a lot of Magnolia, Yellow and Chestnut-sided Warblers._DSC0131.JPG)
Magnolia Warbler (Gary Mason)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Gary Mason)
The Black-throated group were also well represented.
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Gary Mason)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Gary Mason)
Cape May, Blackburnian, and a single Orange-crowned Warbler were observed as well
Cape May Warbler (Gary Mason)
But the big treat for the day was a sighting of a Mourning Warbler. It was a lifer for some in our group, and I expect for the few people that were watching it outside the west entrance to the boardwalk.
MOWA watching crush (Steve Jerant)
Mourning Warbler (Gary Mason)
Eastern Screech Owl (Gary Mason)
Baltimore Oriol (Gary Mason)
Bald Eagle on nest near parking lot (Gary Mason)