We enjoyed a mild and breezy morning visiting the MDNR grassland, marsh, and forests off of Reithmiller Rd. Tuesday. Seven JAS members joined to search for some grassland species and were not disappointed. The main target bird, Henslow's Sparrow, was there right out of the gate, literally. We heard it shortly after going through the open green gate to the access road & trail.
(Henslow's Sparrow-Don Henise)
Working our way along the grassland trail we found some Grasshopper Sparrows as well. And there were Lupines!
(Grasshopper Sparrow-Don Henise)
The great thing about this location is that it offers mature grasslands then wetland, then forest. So when we tour, depending on how our search goes, we have choices of multiple habitats to work.

(Grassland-Steve Jerant)

(Marsh/Wet Meadow-Steve Jerant)

(Woodland Friends-Steve Jerant)
In the marshy area we were able to hear, but not see, a Sora. Other finds included Green Heron, Willow Flycatcher, Marsh Wren, and Swamp Sparrow.
(Willow Flycatcher-Don Henise)
There are some massive old trees here among the large grasslands, and of course the picture does not give it justice, but we have to try.

(White Oak-Steve Jerant)
(Brenda Wineman)
Don & Robyn were along, so we did not just see those 2-legged flyers, but got some of the 6-legged variety as well.
(Silver-bordered Fritillary-Don Henise)
We came in at 39 species but our little friend above can make 40 for the day. See the trip eBird list for the complete species tally.
Our next tour is another MDNR property on the Washtenaw/Jackson border at Watkins Lake SP on June 20.