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  • Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/06/2023

Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/06/2023

Monday, November 06, 2023 9:46 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/06/2023
by Don Henise

After two Mondays of quite cold weather, this week we enjoyed a mild afternoon with temps in the upper 50s. A prescribed burn was conducted on the east portion of the main prairie near the overlook last Thursday.
[Video of burn available on the JAS YouTube channel]

Today a flock of 40+ American Pipits was found on the burned area.  Apparently, a burned prairie looks a lot like good tundra habitat to a pipit. Though American Pipits can be quite common migrants in other parts of Michigan, they are uncommon migrants in Jackson County - a real treat for all observers and a life bird for a few.

(Don Henise)

The one hundred mark was finally broken for our crane count with 130 Sandhill Cranes flying into roost in Mud Lake Marsh for the evening.

Counters: Ross Green, Robyn Henise, Gary Siegrist, and Steve Jerant
Compiled by Don Henise
eBird list of all species recorded:

Total Cranes Roosting: 130

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