JAS members drove down to Ohio for our annual visit to Magee Marsh during the Greatest Week in American Birding celebration. Four of us carpooled down and met up with other members for a walk on the warbler-rich boardwalk.
White Pelican (Shikha Singh)
While the weather was good this year, the warblers were not out in great numbers. We got only 8 of them. Doug was able to get some clos shots of a Prothonotary that was nesting near the boardwalk.
Prothonotary Warblers (Doug Leffler)
After a tailgate lunch, we headed over to the Ottawa NWR and did an 8-mile drive through the dike roads. There were lots of egrets & eagles but just a few shorebirds.
Bald Eagle (Shikha Singh)
Lesser Yellowlegs(Shikha Singh)
We finished up the trip with a visit to the Howard Marsh Metropark. By this time the weather was threatening but we were able to get a good look at Black-necked Stilt which frequent this location.
Black-necked Stilt (Shikha Singh)
eBird Trip Checklist available https://ebird.org/tripreport/233018