Five members of Jackson Audubon traveled to Erie Metropark to check out the raptor migrations. We were able to meet up with new JAS member Chuck M. who came up from Ohio and spent the morning with him while it was still dry.
While we were not the only ones there on Tuesday, it was bit disappointing as we saw zero raptors. Some of the group took a stroll along the trail and boardwalk and did get a view of some birds and the beautiful American Lotus plants that thrive in that area.

Brenda Wineman shared her eBird post, available at
While not on that list, and for the record, I did spot a red tail perched on a tree off of I-94 on our drive back home, so we were not totally raptor-free for the day.
As I often say, "nature ain't Disney" and we take the bad days with the good ones. Four of us got to have a lunch at a great local burger place on the way back and had an enjoyable drive.