Waterloo Recreation Area 49th Annual Christmas Bird Count 2017

The 49th annual Jackson Audubon Christmas Bird Count was held this year on December 16th. Cloudy conditions and a chilly wind greeted the thirty precipitants as they split up into the ten areas that makes up the Waterloo Recreation Area Count. With temperatures reaching into the mid-thirties by afternoon the counters amassed a total of 95.25 hours in the field with 567.5 miles driven or walked. The fifteen hearty soles that went owling were treated to a cool wind blowing and temperatures in the mid-to-high twenties. Their efforts were rewarded with ten eastern screech owls, 10 great horned owls, and 1 barred owl being heard.

With very few waterfowl found, sixty-three bird species were recorded for the count day this year with another four-bird species seen in count week but not on count day. This is a very respectable total considering that all water was frozen other than moving water. The record total for a Waterloo Recreation Area CBC happened in 2001 when we found a total of 71 bird species.
A total of 7,232 birds were counted, with Canada Goose (1,333) and European Starling (722) the most numerous bird species seen. The first ever recorded Peregrine Falcon showed up this year but not surprising with Peregrine’s staying all year around the City of Jackson. Continued rising numbers for Bald Eagles (8) is very satisfying as this regal bird species comes back from the brink of chemical poisoning in Michigan. Two other species, Pileated Woodpecker (12) and Carolina Wren (8) were found in good numbers. Lastly, Turkey Vultures (2) appeared this year and why is this unusual for the count? Well, most years this species has left for parts warmer a month ago, but not this year despite our cold temperatures.

Remember to save the 2018 CBC date, Saturday December 15th. Thank you all for helping this CBC become one of the most successful counts we have recorded.
Gary Siegrist, Compiler
Waterloo Recreation Area CBC
List of bird species:
Canada Goose – 1,333
Tundra Swan – 1
Mallard – 35
Ring-neck Pheasant – 6
Wild Turkey – 209
Great Blue Heron – 3
Turkey Vulture – 2
Bald Eagle – 7
Northern Harrier – 2
Sharp-shinned Hawk – 2
Cooper’s Hawk – 8
Red-shouldered Hawk – 1 (immature)
Red-tailed Hawk – 45
Rough-legged Hawk – 3
Peregrine Falcon – 1
American Kestrel – 7
American Coot – 1
Sandhill Crane – 503
Rock Pigeon – 156
Mourning Dove – 652
Eastern Screech Owl – 10
Great Horned Owl – 10
Barred Owl – 1
Belted Kingfisher – 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker – 87
Downy Woodpecker – 95
Hairy Woodpecker – 20
Northern Flicker – 12
Pileated Woodpecker – 12
Northern Shrike – 1
Blue Jay – 253
American Crow – 190
Horned Lark – 64
Black-capped Chickadee – 286
Tufted Titmouse – 112
Red-breasted Nuthatch – 2
White-breasted Nuthatch – 128
Brown Creeper – 3
Carolina Wren – 8
Winter Wren – 3
Golden-crown Kinglet – 12
Eastern Bluebird – 48
Hermit Thrush – 2
American Robin – 14
Northern Mockingbird – 2
European Starling – 722
Cedar Waxwing – 235
American Tree Sparrow – 432
Field Sparrow – 1
Song Sparrow – 15
Swamp Sparrow – 6
White-throated Sparrow – 5
White-crowned Sparrow – 1
Dark-eyed Junco – 412
Lapland Longspur – 99
Northern Cardinal – 176
Red-winged Blackbird – 6
Brown-headed Cowbird – 32
Purple Finch – 9
House Finch – 96
Pine Siskin – 4
American Goldfinch – 165
House Sparrow – 488
Total number of species – 63 Total number of birds – 7,232
Species seen count week:
Snow Bunting – 15
Common Grackle – 1
Eastern Towhee – 1
Golden Eagle – 1