The Audubon Society of Jackson County, Michigan
2022 Christmas Bird Count Summary
by Gary Siegrist
We had a near record species count with 70 total species for the day and 3 species week birds. We had 15 different species of waterfowl including Hood Merganser (149), Northern Pintail (12), and Northern Shoveler (8). Raptors (8 species) were seen in good numbers with both Rough-legged and Red-shouldered Hawk identified.
High numbers of Sandhill Cranes (2318), Morning Doves (936), Carolina Wren (20), and Canada Goose (1512) were recorded. Rare included Short-eared owl (2), Bonaparte's Gull (13), and most of the waterfowl.
Thank you to all that participated in this year's count.
If you would like to see total data, go to CBC count data for this year at National Audubon and look for Michigan, Waterloo Recreation Area Count.
Next year CBC is scheduled for December 16, 2023. Remember to mark it down on your calendar and join us in getting outdoors counting the birds.